
Did you know we are in a recession? You wouldn't based on the level activity in shopping malls and restaurants, despite being all over the news. Why is that? Because for those it isn't directly affecting right now, there has been no change in habit, and the affected is a much smaller population for people like you me than the spared. Generalization, I know.

The point is, if you are one of those people who hasn't made some modification to your lifestyle, this girl recommends you do. The party is far from over, because we haven't even started losing our cookies in the bushes or hooking up with people we'll regret in the morning. No, I'm not a doomsday'er (is that even a word?) but I do believe in a little preparedness to make what could be rough times not so much.

I didn't take drastic measures. I just: started drinking $10 bottles of wine because there will always have to be a budget for this and I don't know the difference after two glasses anyway.

I did it because, well, it's the right thing to do (and yes, there is more than the wine). Beyond putting myself in a good spot should things get progressively worse (I am in advertising, recruitment, think about it), I'm contributing to the righting of America where it's not about the house you live in or the name on your bag, but about the experiences in your life. Contentedness versus greed.

Cheap is the new chic.


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