Fur Babies

I am 100% obsessed with my dog, I fully admit it. So is Scott. We spoil him rotten, we spend hours just watching his cuteness and I can't imagine what life would be like if he hadn't picked us two years ago. Suckers.

Gizmo (that's him) is a French BullGOD, and has the most playful personality. He looks ruff and tuff, but wouldn't hurt a fly--and fly he might with his giant ears. He LOVES other dogs...I mean LOVES, of all shapes sizes and colors. I once knew a dog that didn't like white dogs, which is just weird.

This week, we're dog sitting for good friends of ours. Mango is a mix breed, docile, sweet and loving pup. She was rescued and used to be beaten, so she needs extra love and attention. She's a joy to have in the house and I quickly became attached.

While we've had play dates with our friends and family for Gizmo, we've never had a dog living with us for any extended period time.  Gizmo, we learned, has a fragile ego and does not want Mommy and Daddy giving love to other puppies. Jesus, are we helicopter parents who give ribbons for peeing on the hardwood and not the carpet? I really hope this hasn't become us. Anyway, he'll get over it. And he will, because you could say this is a test, and when successful (because it will be) Gizmo will get a sibling. If I don't steal Mango, I'm already referring to her as my adopted daughter.

This morning, I took the dogs out and then got their food ready. I put Gizmo's in front of him, Mango's in front of her, and they sniffed it, milled around, looked at me, sniffed it, looked at me, looked at each other and promptly switched places and began to chow. Translation:

you want that?
Nah, you want that?
Wanna trade?
I'll give you my grapefruit for your cheeseburger (guess who's is who's)
Oh boy oh boy oh boy
Think she cares?
I dunno know?
Think she cares?
I dunno, GO!

I was thoroughly entertained and thus far, the highlight of my day.

If you're a dog lover, you will completely understand. If you aren't, you probably think I'm one of those crazy pet people you swear you'll never become (trust me, it happens, unbeknownst to you).

Either way, I hope you have something in your life to love as much as we do Gizmo (and Mango, Carter, Gus, Berkeley, Lincoln, Tagg, Roxie, Sadie and Booberry our doggy friends and family), and who loves you as much as he loves us, unconditionally, back.

Here they are, just loungin'


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