
I did not know the meaning of the word until now.

This house buying process is for the birds. Tons of paperwork, competitive offers on top of a short sale (thankfully approved), high anxiety...and I may not even get it. We are putting our best foot forward, but we're at the top of our price range, the other buyers may not be. We shall see. At least we're well qualified. If only we were buying with cash.

The current bright spot is that I have taken that step in accepting a mortgage payment, and as one who hates any kind of debt, that was huge in itself. I have an excellent mortgage broker, who made it much easier for me (e.g. rock star numbers). I heart him.

I'm trying my best not to be emotional about it. Keeping my spirits up and staying optimistic (e.g. I think these chairs would be great here, and we should paint the bedroom blue), knowing that if it's meant to be, it will. And if not...well, then I am fully prepared for next time and know exactly where I'm comfortable.

Pray to the Home Gods for me please. Pray hard.


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